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Point of Care Diagnostics 2024: Reflections on a Wild ½ Decade

Triple Ring Technologies invites you to join an enlightening webinar focused on the current state of Point of Care (POC) Diagnostic innovation. The last 5 years have been the wildest half-decade of POC innovation in history. Prior to 2020 the global POC market grew steadily as demand for laboratory quality test results at the point of need increased for both human and animal care. Technological innovations were also on a steady upward trajectory resulting in lower cost, faster, and easier to use devices. With the onset of the COVID19 pandemic in 2020, a historic burst in POC innovation was ignited with thousands of new tests developed and billions of dollars invested worldwide. By early-2022, R&D funding for POC technologies began a steep decline, and not long after, the POC market experienced a historic shake out. Today, the POC market is back to its typical pre-pandemic growth rates. The innovators and companies that weathered the storm have emerged stronger and more determined to build the future of medical diagnostics.

We have assembled a panel of diagnostics experts from across the US to discuss their experiences over the past 5 years as they built and funded POC technologies and companies. We will discuss what has changed and what to expect in the future. We will also learn how each adjusted their approach during a time of unprecedented disruption.

POC innovation webinar speakers

Over the last decade, drones and other platforms providing the potential of large-scale autonomy have moved from the realm of high-budget, defense-oriented programs to easily accessible, consumer-oriented systems.   Getting from this potential to deployable and useful systems; however, still requires specialized application domain knowledge and smart engineering.  A wide range of interesting solutions has begun to emerge from the academic, government, and private sectors, driven by different groups of users and program goals.   A common theme of these solutions is to go from automated data gathering to decision support in conservation and environmental applications.

In this Technology:Earth webinar, we will learn about current state-of-the-art data gathering via platforms providing various degrees of autonomy, and the use of this data in decision support systems.  Dr. Nisar Ahmed, Professor of Aerospace Engineering, and the University of Colorado, will describe the current approaches to large-scale autonomous data gathering and some example uses in a range of environmental applications.  Dr. Brad Hanson, Wildlife Biologist, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center will showcase a drone-based approach to monitoring the health of wild orcas in the San Juan Islands in Washington State.  Dr. Debbie Saunders, CEO & Founder of Wildlife Drones, will describe her company’s solution and platform for biodiversity monitoring in support of conservation policy. 

Improving human health through technology drives us at Triple Ring Technologies.  Today, we recognize that human health is not supportable without a healthy planet. Ensuring a healthy environment for current generations and sustainable management of our planetary resources for future generations is a natural extension of our mission.  Triple Ring is pleased to announce that we are expanding our practice into technologies for the environment and sustainability.

Our new Technology:Earth webinar series convenes world experts and technologists working on a variety of environmental challenges to frame the problems and the challenges of scale-up, and to discuss viable solutions.  Our goal is to connect individuals working in these problem spaces with the innovation ecosystem that has successfully delivered life-changing solutions in the biotech space.

Our commercial team will be participating in the upcoming conferences listed below and we are eager to connect with you. If you would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting with our Business Development Director, please send an email to

February 2-9, 2023: MD&M West Inspires Innovation

February 8-9, 2023: Florida Venture Capital Conference

February 25 – March 1, 2023: SLAS2023 International Conference and Exhibition

February 28, 2023: 11th Annual UCLA MedTech Partnering Conference 

Watch the Recorded Webinar Now!

Aquaculture offers the potential to provide protein to the planet’s growing population by offering scalability at a level not met by capture fisheries. Doing so in a sustainable manner requires advances in fish farming, supporting both the health of the fish as well as the health of the environment. Approximately 65% of aquaculture production is feed-based, and current feeds for these species include as ingredients fishmeal and fish oil. A continued reliance on wild-caught sources of these ingredients simply moves the overfishing problem lower on the food chain. A number of recent competitions have promoted innovation and adoption of novel feeds (e.g., F3 Challenge), with more work to be done. Maximizing aquaculture efficiency through feeds and nutrition remains a significant challenge to scaling output.

In this Technology:Earth webinar, we will learn about the challenges in scaling aquaculture to feed a growing planetary population and two solutions to maximizing aquaculture efficiency through fish food and nutrition. Professor Michael Tlusty, Professor of Sustainability and Food Solutions in UMass Boston’s School for the Environment will frame the problem and the solution space. Addressing the challenge of sustainable feeds, Dr. Larry Feinberg of KnipBio will discuss a biotechnology solution that creates an alternative to fishmeal. Further meeting the nutritional requirements of farmed salmon, Dr. Timothy Bouley of BioFeyn will discuss improving the efficiency of nutrient delivery. Please join us!

Improving human health through technology drives us at Triple Ring Technologies.  Today, we recognize that human health is not supportable without a healthy planet. Ensuring a healthy environment for current generations and sustainable management of our planetary resources for future generations is a natural extension of our mission.  Triple Ring is pleased to announce that we are expanding our practice into technologies for the environment and sustainability.

Our new Technology:Earth webinar series convenes world experts and technologists working on a variety of environmental challenges to frame the problems and the challenges of scale-up, and to discuss viable solutions.  Our goal is to connect individuals working in these problem spaces with the innovation ecosystem that that has successfully delivered life-changing solutions in the biotech space.

Watch the Recorded Webinar Now!

Disruption is a continuous threat to large corporations and their well-established business models. Innovative products are entering markets at historic rates and are eroding the position of dominant players. Recent global-scale events, like the COVID19 pandemic, the current inflationary cycle, and increased access to diverse pools of talent and ideas have amplified this dynamic. It is imperative for large companies in Healthcare and Industrial markets to find ways to adapt and sustain growth in an ever-changing world. Collaborating with external innovators and partners is a highly effective way of inspiring internal teams, enabling product innovation and driving long-term growth.

Triple Ring Technologies & Signify Lab have assembled an expert panel in the first of an ongoing series of conversations about strategies for established companies to proactively defend against disruption.

We will look beyond typical models of acquisition and dig deeper into ways that large companies can accelerate open innovation through partnerships outside of their organizations. Topics discussed will include:

-Benefits & value of internally generated IP compared to technology acquisition-Barriers to innovation in large corporations & strategies for clearing them-Utilizing outside collaboration to unlock internal potential and overcome institutional inertia-Gathering the right resources required for innovation

The global pandemic has stirred up the economic, technology, and healthcare landscapes. Uncertain times often create valuable opportunities. To leverage these opportunities, stay relevant, and build a sustainable organization, innovation is critical. Innovating with strategic partnerships increases the longevity, health, and stability of businesses, positioning them for continuous growth and success in the competitive healthcare space.

In this webinar, hosted by Triple Ring Technologies, you will hear from experts across the Life Sciences innovation community. They will discuss the future of our healthcare industry and how to accelerate innovation and thrive amid uncertain times. This webinar will provide up-to-date and highly relevant perspectives about the state of innovation for a broad audience. Attendees should expect to learn about current market drivers and cutting-edge solutions that will impact their businesses now and in the future. The topics discussed will be relevant for all who are ready to transform nascent ideas to fully adopted, commercially viable products and for those who aim to enhance existing product portfolios with game-changing new technologies. Attendees will include scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs & business executives, open innovation professionals, and investors.

Triple Ring Technologies is The Co-development Company. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, with offices in Boston, Toronto and Copenhagen, Triple Ring partner with clients in the Life sciences, MedTech, and Sustainability and Environment fields to create new technologies, launch innovative products, and start new ventures. Triple Ring’s capabilities encompass early R&D, product development, manufacturing, regulatory approval, market access and sustaining engineering, as well as strategic investment and incubation.

Watch the Recorded Webinar Now!

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a complex issue with many drivers and consequences. It is fundamentally driven by our need to eat, but its impacts go far beyond the food supply. Marine fishing accounts for 50% of global human fish consumption today. Fish are a particularly important protein source for more than 3 billion people in developing countries, and marine fishing directly employs approximately 40 million people worldwide. Managing fishing stocks and conserving marine biodiversity are important to maintaining a safe, sustainable supply of fish as a crucial component to feeding a world population expected to reach 10 billion by 2050. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization has called IUU fishing “one of the greatest threats to marine ecosystems due to its potent ability to undermine national and regional efforts to manage fisheries sustainably as well as endeavors to conserve marine biodiversity.”

In our second Technology:Earth webinar, we will hear from experts in the government, NGO, and private sectors about challenges in and technology solutions to address IUU fishing. Admiral Tim Gallaudet will introduce the topic of illegal, underreported, and unregulated fishing, and describe current approaches to addressing the problem. Dr. Rachel Graham of MarAlliance will share the complex interconnections between IUU, conservation, and economic development and describe unmet technology needs that can facilitate progress. Celeste Leroux of Virgil Group will present a digital solution to enabling seafood traceability. Please join us!

Improving human health through technology drives us at Triple Ring Technologies. Today, we recognize that human health is not supportable without a healthy planet. Ensuring a healthy environment for current generations and sustainable management of our planetary resources for future generations is a natural extension of our mission. Triple Ring is pleased to announce that we are expanding our practice into technologies for the environment and sustainability.

Register Today!

Topic: A Journey for Justice: How plastic waste creates risks for mosquito-borne diseases – and what we can do about it

Date: Thursday, July 14th, 2022

Time: 12noon-1:15pm (Pacific)

Speakers: Desiree Labeaud, MD, Physician-scientist, epidemiologist, and professor @Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Stanford University’s School of Medicine

About Desiree Labeaud, MD: 

Dr. Desiree LaBeaud is a physician-scientist, epidemiologist, & professor in the Div of Pediatric Infectious Diseases @Stanford Univ’s School of Medicine. She rec’d her MD from the Medical College of Wisconsin & trained @the Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital during her pediatric residency & pediatric infectious disease fellowship program. She earned her MS in Clinical Research & Epidemiology @Case Western Res.Univ. She studies the epidemiology & ecology of domestic & int’l arboviruses & emerging infections, w/an interest in the vector/host/environmental factors that affect transmission dynamics & spectrum of disease. She studies the human health impacts of climate change, & research focused on innovative solutions 2 the global plastic pollution crisis. Her field sites include Kenya, Grenada, & Brazil. She now heads a clinical research lab focused on better understanding the risk factors & long-term health consequences of arboviral infections & the most effective means of prevention.

About the Webinar:

For nearly twenty years our research has uncovered the great burden of mosquito-borne viruses in Kenya. Usually mistaken as malaria, arthropod-borne viral (arboviral) infections cause fever and illness commonly, but are rarely diagnosed. The only means of prevention is to prevent the bite of the mosquito. During our community-based intervention and prevention work, we discovered the hidden culprit behind this great disease burden- PLASTIC TRASH! It turns out that plastic is breeding mosquitoes and making people sick in Kenya and in many other parts of the world. I will discuss our research, the disease links to plastic waste and our new nonprofit that is tackling this plastic pollution crisis, the Health and Environmental Research Institute- Kenya.

Next Event: A Journey for Justice:  How plastic waste creates risks for mosquito-borne diseases – and what we can do about it

About the Webinar:For nearly twenty years our research has uncovered the great burden of mosquito-borne viruses in Kenya. Usually mistaken as malaria, arthropod-borne viral (arboviral) infections cause fever and illness commonly, but are rarely diagnosed. The only means of prevention is to prevent the bite of the mosquito. During our community-based intervention and prevention work, we discovered the hidden culprit behind this great disease burden- PLASTIC TRASH! It turns out that plastic is breeding mosquitoes and making people sick in Kenya and in many other parts of the world. I will discuss our research, the disease links to plastic waste and our new nonprofit that is tackling this plastic pollution crisis, the Health and Environmental Research Institute- Kenya.

Images are licensed under Creative Commons License.

Watch the Recorded Webinar Now!

Improving human health through technology drives us at Triple Ring Technologies. Today, we recognize that human health is not supportable without a healthy planet. Ensuring a healthy environment for current generations and sustainable management of our planetary resources for future generations is a natural extension of our mission. Triple Ring is pleased to announce that we are expanding our practice into technologies for the environment and sustainability.

Our new Technology: Earth webinar series will convene world experts and technologists working on a variety of environmental challenges to frame the problems and the challenges of scale-up, and to discuss viable solutions. Our goal is to connect individuals working in these problem spaces with the innovation ecosystem that that has successfully delivered life-changing solutions in the biotech space.

Our series will start in the ocean, on technologies for coral restoration & preservation. In addition to supporting diverse ecosystems, reefs play an important role in protecting coastlines against storms and erosion, and support economies around the globe through both tourism and fishing. Coral ecosystems worldwide are under unprecedented stress, in which rising ocean temperatures, increased acidification, bleaching events, and the rapid spread of new pathogens will threatening over 90% of the world’s reefs by 2030. Coral species preservation ensures that the rich biodiversity of the world’s coral is preserved for future restoration efforts, that can happen at larger scale than is currently possible.

Our speakers will frame the global coral restoration challenge, and will provide examples of both bespoke and adapted technologies. These ultimately range from off-the-shelf products to advanced cryopreservation systems – that were developed and applied when technologists and coral scientists came together to define the problem and solutions.