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Triple Ring Technologies invites you to join an enlightening webinar focused on the current state of Point of Care (POC) Diagnostic innovation. The last 5 years have been the wildest half-decade of POC innovation in history. Prior to 2020 the global POC market grew steadily as demand for laboratory quality test results at the point of need increased for both human and animal care. Technological innovations were also on a steady upward trajectory resulting in lower cost, faster, and easier to use devices. With the onset of the COVID19 pandemic in 2020, a historic burst in POC innovation was ignited with thousands of new tests developed and billions of dollars invested worldwide. By early-2022, R&D funding for POC technologies began a steep decline, and not long after, the POC market experienced a historic shake out. Today, the POC market is back to its typical pre-pandemic growth rates. The innovators and companies that weathered the storm have emerged stronger and more determined to build the future of medical diagnostics.
We have assembled a panel of diagnostics experts from across the US to discuss their experiences over the past 5 years as they built and funded POC technologies and companies. We will discuss what has changed and what to expect in the future. We will also learn how each adjusted their approach during a time of unprecedented disruption.
Over the last decade, drones and other platforms providing the potential of large-scale autonomy have moved from the realm of high-budget, defense-oriented programs to easily accessible, consumer-oriented systems. Getting from this potential to deployable and useful systems; however, still requires specialized application domain knowledge and smart engineering. A wide range of interesting solutions has begun to emerge from the academic, government, and private sectors, driven by different groups of users and program goals. A common theme of these solutions is to go from automated data gathering to decision support in conservation and environmental applications.
In this Technology:Earth webinar, we will learn about current state-of-the-art data gathering via platforms providing various degrees of autonomy, and the use of this data in decision support systems. Dr. Nisar Ahmed, Professor of Aerospace Engineering, and the University of Colorado, will describe the current approaches to large-scale autonomous data gathering and some example uses in a range of environmental applications. Dr. Brad Hanson, Wildlife Biologist, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center will showcase a drone-based approach to monitoring the health of wild orcas in the San Juan Islands in Washington State. Dr. Debbie Saunders, CEO & Founder of Wildlife Drones, will describe her company’s solution and platform for biodiversity monitoring in support of conservation policy.
Improving human health through technology drives us at Triple Ring Technologies. Today, we recognize that human health is not supportable without a healthy planet. Ensuring a healthy environment for current generations and sustainable management of our planetary resources for future generations is a natural extension of our mission. Triple Ring is pleased to announce that we are expanding our practice into technologies for the environment and sustainability.
Our new Technology:Earth webinar series convenes world experts and technologists working on a variety of environmental challenges to frame the problems and the challenges of scale-up, and to discuss viable solutions. Our goal is to connect individuals working in these problem spaces with the innovation ecosystem that has successfully delivered life-changing solutions in the biotech space.